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The Mayor attended the annual Llaingoch flower show to present the prizes. 

Pictured here with the events committee. 08.17.19 54 002

Isle of Anglesey County Council’s Housing Department is currently undertaking a consultation before reviewing its Common Housing Allocation Policy.

The main purpose of the consultation will be to identify whether community connection should be included within the Common Housing Allocation Policy.

As a Community / Town Council, we are eager to hear your opinion and comments.

The consultation will be held for eight weeks, and will commence on the 17th of June 2019, ending on the 5th of August 2019.

You can respond to this consultation by completing our online questionnaire, through the link below:


Thank you in advance for your support and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Thank You

Caron Lloyd Jones

Financial and Data Analyst

Housing Services

Isle of Anglesey County Council

( (01248) 752 204