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At a remote full Council meeting on the 21st of May the Members of Holyhead Town Council voted unanimously to accept a recommendation from Welsh Government that all Chairs vice Chairs and Sub-Committee members remain in the same roles for the next Council year 2020-2021. This is due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the inability to hold a physical AGM.

Stay Safe – Stay home save our NHS.



VE Day Celebrations Friday 8th May 2020

More than 15000 soldiers from Wales lost their lives during WW2, with some of these coming from Holyhead and the surrounding areas.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions there will be no street parties, and no events at the cenotaph in town. With social-distancing restrictions, people can commemorate the historic day at home, instead of attending street parties or services at cenotaphs, war memorials and churches. The virus should not stop not change our determination to pay tribute to those who helped to build the foundations of the world as we know it today

I would ask everyone to still take the time to stop and observe the 2min silence at 1100hrs , and to reflect on the life we all have now because of those that went to war for our future.

We are all in an extraordinary time in our history, one that is testing all parts of our society, yet it is also showing how much good there is in our community. From the NHS, carers and frontline workers like the police, ambulance & fire services, to the key workers we could not survive without like shop workers, port and ferry workers, chemists and all the volunteers who are helping others less fortunate than themselves in this worrying time.

Our First Minister, Mark Drakeford said "We will say a collective 'diolch yn fawr' for what that generation did - on the battlefield and on the home front - to help achieve peace in Europe," and he encouraged us all to decorate our homes & gardens and to talk about this to keep the memories alive. I echo his sentiments and encourage everyone in Holyhead to do something to remember this historic milestone in our history, 75 years since the end of the World War in Europe.

How can you mark VE Day?

Despite social distancing, a number of activities are planned to mark 75 years since VE Day.

  • At 11:00 BST there will be a nationwide two-minute silence to remember the fallen
  • At 15:00 BST people will be invited to raise a glass for a toast: "To those who gave so much, we thank you."
  • At 21:00 BST the Queen will address the nation, on a pre-recorded message broadcast by the BBC, at the exact moment her father King George VI gave a radio address 75 years ago
  • At 21:00 BST on Friday you can go to your doorstep or window to join in a mass sing-a-long of We'll Meet Again
  • The official VE Day website offers ideas for food, music and activities for parties at home
  • Family stories can be shared on social media using the hashtags #VEDay75 #DiwrnodVE75

They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.

We will remember them.


Ni heneiddiant hwy fel ni a adawyd.

Ni ddwg oed iddynt ludded na’r blynyddoedd goll-farn mwy.

Pan elo’r haul ac ar wawr y bore Ni a’I cofiwn hwy.


 As a town council we hope to be able to arrange something to commemorate this day later in the year, restrictions permitting, and when/if this happens, we will let people know.


Cllr Alan Williams

Mayor of Holyhead