+44 (0) 1407 764608

For more details and for the tenant criteria please contact the Town Hall on 01407 764608 – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Town Council - On-Going Update.

Provisions of two local Doctors surgeries in Holyhead.

Holyhead Town Council are in regular contact with the Health board, we are requesting a date and time for the promised public meeting. As this is a pressing matter within the Town, we as a Town Council are committed to ensuring that the public meeting goes ahead as promised and that the on-going issues within our Town are resolved.

Milbank Astro Pitch.

Holyhead Town Council are in regular discussions with IoACC and other representatives regarding this on-going issue. The Town Council are fully supportive of a 3G/4G pitch coming to the Town and are fully prepared to help in any way we can. As the local AM has raised this issue in the Senedd will be in our up coming meeting with our newly elected MP be asking her to replicate this in the Houses of Parliament.

Planned Meeting with Newly Elected MP.

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor along with the Town Clerk have a scheduled meeting with the newly elected MP for Ynys Mon, Virginia Crosby.

We would encourage any members of the public who would like us to put questions to our MP to email the Town Clerk with said question. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..