+44 (0) 1407 764608

Anglesey County Council have created a leaflet which provides information about our emergency phone line and support available from the County Council and key community partners.

Following the latest guidelines from the Government the Town Hall is now closed to the public, our officers will be working from home so please email – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01407 764608 for assistance or enquiries.

Many Thanks,

Datganiad Cyngor Tref Caergybi ar Covid 19

Mewn cyfarfod arbennig o’r Cyngor Tref a gynhaliwyd ar yr 17eg o Fawrth, mae’r Cyngor Tref wedi cytuno i:

  1. Gau ei fentrau cymdeithasol am y dyfodol rhagweladwy o’r 17eg o Fawrth, 2020 ymlaen.
  2. Defnyddio Neuadd y Dref fel canolfan ar gyfer casglu unrhyw roddion ar gyfer yr anghenus a’r bregus ac i ddefnyddio ein tîm o weithwyr i’w dosbarthu ledled ein cymuned. A fyddai unrhyw un sy’n dymuno rhoi rhywbeth gystal â dod â’r holl roddion i Neuadd y Dref neu ein ffonio ac mi allwn ddod i’w nôl.

Byddwn yn gweithio’n agos gyda sefydliadau lleol, yn ogystal â gyda Chyngor Sir Ynys Môn, i roi cymorth.

A fyddai unrhyw un sy’n dymuno helpu neu wirfoddoli gystal â chysylltu â Neuadd y Dref ar 01407 764608 am ragor o fanylion.

Bydd swyddfeydd y Cyngor Tref yn parhau ar agor i roi cymorth ac arweiniad, fel bo’n briodol, hyd nes y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru wedi rhoi gwybod i ni fel arall.

Cadwch yn ddiogel, bawb, a meddyliwch am eraill yn y cyfnod anodd hwn.


Holyhead Town Council Statement on Covid 19.

In a special meeting of the Town Council on the 17th of March, the Town Council have agreed

1. To close all its commercial ventures for the foreseeable future as of the 17th of March 2020.

2. To use the Town Hall as a hub for collection of any donations for the needy and vulnerable, and to use our team of employees to distribute them throughout our community.

Anyone wishing to donate please bring all donations to the Town Hall or phone and we can come and pick up.

We will be working closely with Local organisations, as well as Isle of Anglesey County Council in delivering support.

For anyone who would like to help, or volunteer please contact the Town Hall on 01407 764608 for further details.

The Town Council offices will remain open to offer support and guidance as appropriate, until we are advised otherwise by the Welsh Government.

Please all stay safe and think of others in these difficult times.